JAN. 2023
The name of this organization shall be the “Roadrunner Bass Club”.
The purpose of this organization shall be to exist as a fraternal organization devoted to the promotion, conservation and encouragement of bass fishing in our area.
Section 1. The club shall be limited to a maximum of 40 members and shall have no minimum.
Section 2. Any adult shall be eligible to membership, provided that said adult is proposed by one member and seconded by another member of the club, and meet the listed protocols.
a, Be proposed by a current Roadrunner Member and seconded by another member.
b.Must fish as a guest two times in the Calendar year, having been paired with a current member by the monthly club pairing procedure.
c When fishing as a guest:
1. New member candidates Incur a $30 fee due prior to fishing monthly tournament. (To be applied to annual fee if elected as full member.)
2. New member candidates are
eligible to receive monthly tournament payout awards of 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
or Big Bass for guest tournaments. New member candidates are
eligible until elected as a member to break the current Big Bass Fund.
Also all participation points accumulated during guest
tournaments will
be added to his
annual totals once elected as a member.
3, Membership vote will take place at the next available club meeting following his second guest tournament.
4. Voting
will take place at the meeting by the number of
members in attendance at that said meeting. A two-thirds accepting
vote shall elect to membership. A person so elected
shall be declared
a member of the club upon payment of the annual dues for the first
year, minus any guest fees incurred.
5. Once elected as a member he is eligible for all club awards including the annual awards for big bass or big stringer, including those weights caught while fishing as a guest.
Section 3. Club
Reinstatement of a former member who exited in good standing shall
require a majority vote of members. Once reinstated he is eligible for
all club awards.
Section 4. Annual membership dues are to be $220.00. The dues shall be payable in full or in installments. The monthly installments must be $50.00 per month, starting in January, and paid in full by the March meeting. Payment of this monthly installment makes this member eligible to fish the upcoming tournament. This $200.00 includes all regular tournament fees, plus a $30.00 club fee. New members within the existing year will be charged $30.00 plus $17.00 for each remaining monthly tournament of that said year.
Section 5. The club will reimburse any member incurring expenses while conducting any club business, such as reservations, taking pictures, etc.
Section 6. Dismissal from the club can be attained by a two-thirds vote at a meeting where at least 50% of the members are present and voting. The membership must be notified of the meeting to dismiss a member or members. The voting must be by a secret ballet. Dismissed members lose all rights and monies paid to the club.
Section 7. Upon the signed recommendation of one member, seconded by another member, and a majority club vote by ballot at the annual meeting, Honorary Life Membership can be conferred upon a former member in good standing, who shall have rendered notable service to the club. An Honorary Member has none of the obligations of membership in the club, but shall be entitled to all privileges, except those of making motions, voting, or holding an office.
a. With a payment of $40 fee per tournament, an Honorary Member will be permiotted to fish two single day club tournaments per calendar year.
b. Honary Members will also be permitted to participate in the annual
Toledo Bend Club Tournament, however they must pair up with, either a
current Club Member or another Honorary Club
Member. They will be required to pay for
their lodging, and the
Club set Toledo Bend Tournament Fee to participate.
c.Honorary Members must adhere to all current Club Rules.
d. Honorary Members are not eligible to win the ongoing Big Bass Funds, nor the Annual Big Bass or Big Stringer Awards.
e. Honorary Members are eligible to win the monthly tournament payout,
and supplemental Big Bass fund collected at the launch site when
participating in any Tournament, including Toledo Bend
Section 1. The officers of the club will be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Coordinator/Weighmaster, and Website/Club stat coordinator. The membership will elect 6 board members in addition to the club officers. The officers will perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the club.
Section 2. Nomination of officers will be held at the October and November meetings yearly. Each nominee must approve his nomination before it can be placed on a ballot.
Section 3. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members in attendance at the November meeting. Term of office shall be for one year, which shall begin on January1 of each year. New officers shall be named at the annual meeting.
Section 4. In the event of death, resignation, or dismissal of an office, a successor shall be appointed by the board of directors. The appointment must be approved by the membership.
Section 1. The regular meeting of the organization shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month unless otherwise ordered by the club or the board of directors.
Section 2. The regular meeting held in December shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing officers and as the annual awards banquet.
Section 3. Special meetings can be called by the President or by the board of directors and shall be called upon request of 10 members of the club. Except in case of an emergency, at least 3 days notice shall be given to all members and the purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice.
Section 4. All regular scheduled meetings may be held by the number of members in attendance (however many that may be) to decide the business matters.
Section 5. Tournament dates shall be announced and voted upon prior to the conclusion of the January meeting.
Section 6. Orderly conduct shall be maintained during all meetings. In the event of a disorderly member, that member can be subject to a monthly suspension or any discipline ordered by the board of directors, in which the board deems necessary. This can include dismissal from the club.
Section 1. All officers of the club, named in Article IV, Section 1, shall constitute the board of directors.
Section 2. The board of directors shall have general supervision of the affairs of the club between its regular recommendations to the club, be responsible for solving club problems, present clear interpretations of difficult matters to the membership, and shall perform such other duties as specified in these bylaws.
Section 3. The board shall meet when necessary at a time and place designated by the president or upon the request of three (3) members of the board. Reports of the board proceedings shall be made to the club at its next regular meeting following the said board meeting.
Section 4. The board will determine if fund raising activities are essential to meet the financial needs of the organization and when they will be held.
Section 1. The President shall:
A. Preside at all meetings of the club and of its board of directors.
B. Appoint all committee members and serve as an extra official on all committees. He may appoint himself as chairman of special committees.
C. Plan the meetings and activities of the club and hold the officers responsible for the activities entrusted to them. He shall have the authority to assign additional duties and responsibilities to other officers.
D. Sign all agreements and papers which may be authorized by the club and sign all checks issued by the treasurer.
E. Appoint a substitute for any officer, if the substitution is to last for greater than 3 months. Then the board of directors shall name a replacement as in article iv, section 5.
Section 2. Vice President shall:
A. In the absence of the President, have all powers and perform all the duties of the President.
B. Serve as manpower chairman. Duties of the manpower chairman shall be to assist the chairman of various committees in soliciting members’ participation in the various club function.
C. Serve as, or appoint a family day chairman. If the Vice President chose to appoint a chairman, he will then serve as an extra officer member of the family day committee along with the President.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
A. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the club and this board of directors and read the minutes at the following regular meetings.
B. Handle the correspondence of the club.
C. Report in due time to the President any correspondence or data that might concern the agenda of the next meeting.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
A. Receive all funds of the club and deposit them in an aurhorized depository.
B. Pay by check all bills approved by the club and co-signed by the President.
C. Keep an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed.
D. Present a verbal report on the financial status of the club at each meeting.
E. Present a written report on the financial status of the club at the end of the year.
Section 5. The Tournament Coordinator/Weighmaster shall:
A. Pair partners and coordinate all tournament matters.
B. Be custodian of the club scale and camera.
C. Weigh all bass during all tournaments.
E. Keep records of early tournament fishing results, but shall not reveal weights to other members.
Section 6. The Website/Club Statistician Coordinator shall;
Keep up to date information posted on the club website. (
B. Prepare a sheet of tournament results, including point standings and yearly award leaders. Copies of current point standings shall be made available for viewing at each monthly meeting. A copy must be given to the secretary for filing.
Section 7. The Board of Directors shall:
A. Serve on the board of directors. Duties of the Board are described in article VI.
Section 1. Any committee, standing or special, shall be appointed by the President as the board of directors on the club shall from time to time seem necessary to carry on the work of the club. The President shall be an extra official member of all committees.
Section 1. The club shall schedule at least 11 member point tournaments each year. There is no limit to the number of non-point guest tournaments that can be scheduled. No member point tournaments may be held in December.
Section 2. The membership shall:
A. Determine the dates and places for all tournaments. Once selected, there can be no postponement, cancellation, or changes made except for acts of nature or any uncontrollable event that may occur.
B. Set up rules and regulations as to times, limits, weight, penalties, types of equipment to be used, and general conduct expected during club sponsored tournaments. These shall be specified in the clubs list of tournament rules.
C. Authorize expenditures for tournament events.
Section 3. The fees for all members point tournaments, except the Toledo Bend tournament, shall be $17.00 which is obtained from the $220.00 annual tournament fees. $16.00 covers tournament fees, and $1.00 covers the “big bass fund”. Fees of members who cannot participate for any reason will go into the club treasury.
A. The Toledo Bend tournament fees and payouts shall be decided by the competing club members.
Section 4. For each tournament, there is an automatic $1.00 portion of the fee taken out for the “big bass fund”. This fund will reach a maximum of $200.00. After the first fund reaches $200.00, a second fund will be created.
A. To win this fund, a member catching the largest bass over the 6 pound minimum during a club sponsored monthly tournament will receive the money in the big bass fund.
B. If a second “ big bass fund” is created, the membership is fishing only for the first fund, that is sealed at $200.00. Once the club reaches the $200.00 sealing, and the fund is NOT broken, .25 (one fourth of a pound) will be taken from the 6 pound limit weight each month until the fund is won. One fish cannot win both funds.
C. 2 day tournaments may have only one “ big bass fund” winner determined at the end of the second day.
Section 1. Have club finances reviewed after 6 months and have the board of directors decide, pending membership approval, at the clubs annual awards event in the month of December. This event will be to recognize the year’s top fishermen, publicize the club’s accomplishments during the past year, and announce the new officers for the upcoming year. Also, to provide an opportunity for socializing with other members and their wives or dates.
Section 2. The “Top Six” fishermen will receive awards and will be selected by total point standings as specified in the clubs list of tournament rules.
Section 3. The first place fisherman will be called “The Elite Fisherman” of the year. He will receive a $375.00 check and a plaque (A.J. Decareaux memorial) designating this achievement.
Section 4. The second place fisherman will receive a $275.00 check.
Section 5. The third place fisherman will receive a $250.00 check.
Section 6. The fourth place fisherman will receive a $225.00 check, the fifth place fisherman will receive a $175.00 check, and the sixth place fisherman will receive a $125.00 check for their accomplishments.
Section 7. A $100.00 check and a plaque (P.J. Louque memorial) will be awarded for the largest individual stringer caught during a one day club sponsored tournament. In 2 day tournaments, each day will be weighed separately.
Section 8. A $50.00 check and a plaque (Gerald Deroche memorial) will be awarded for the largest bass caught during a monthly tournament during the calendar year.
Section 9. Monthly tournament awards will be paid by the clubs checking account.
A. Largest bass of a tournament; $30.00
B. First place boat of a tournament; $130.00
C. Second place boat of tournament; $94.00
D. Third place boat of a tournament; $66.00
E. 2 day tournaments will be paid by doubling the award payments.
Any member that fishes in a monthly tournament alone will be able to
weigh 5 fish for his total boat weight.
G. The Toledo Bend tournament will also have a 1st place “Big Bass” payout for each of the two days of the tournament. A 4th place boat award payout will be included also.
Sympathy will be expressed by means of a $75.00 offering in the event of death of a members immediate family ( parents, wife, children, brother, or sister) or an honorary member, unless some other form of expression if specifically requested by the family. Sympathy cards may be sent for others.
At all meetings of the club, the order of business will be as follows:
1. Call to order.
2. Program (if any)
3. Reading and approval of meeting minutes and a treasury report.
4. Reports of officers and committees.
5. Unfinished (old) business.
6. New business.
8. Tournament site selection and upcoming member tournament pairings.
9. Adjournment
Note: This order of business can be changed at the Presidents discretion.
Sonny Zeringue 2023
Andy Deroche 2023
Chris (Peppy) Louque 2023
Terry (Toe) Vicknair 2023
Section 1. These bylaws can be amended at any regular club meeting by a two thirds vote of the members in attendance, provided that the amendment had been proposed at the previous meeting.
Section 2. Club rules can be adopted, changed, or rescinded by a majority vote at any regular meeting without previous notice.
Section 3. The clubs list of tournament rules can be changed by a majority vote at the January meeting ONLY, and shall apply for all of that calendar year.
Amended as voted on: 1-8-2025 / By Mickey Bourgeois
The rules contained in the current edition of “Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised” shall govern all proceedings of this organization unless otherwise provided by these bylaws.