Road Runner Bass Club Minutes July 6, 2016 (Creole Restaurant)
$5.00 Baked Spaghetti & Smothered Pork Chop dinner provided by Creole Restaurant
Meeting Called to order at 7:15. Secretary Jeff Bourgeois presiding.
Treasurer Report Jeff Bourgeois gave report in Devin Roussel’s absence. Club Balance $4758.45 The club sent flowers to the funerals of Andy’s mother-in-law and Sonny’s mother. Also a donation by the club was sent to St. Vincent in honor of Andrew’s mother.
Secretary Report Jeff Bourgeois June Minutes Motioned by Chris to not read June’s minutes. Seconded By Ledaine Motion accepted
June Results 3rd place Toe & Devin 12.33lbs 2nd place Lionel & Coach 13.28lbs 1st place Zane & Tommy 13.84lbs
Big Bass Brent Rome 2.63lbs Big Bass Funds
Fund #1 $200.00 5.9lbs Fund#2 $70.00 6lbs
In Devin’s absence payouts for June will be made at the August meeting.
Old Business
Jeff presented Toe with his 2015 club jacket. Toe finished third overall in last year’s annual standings and opted for the jacket award.
Toledo Bend April 6 & 7, 2017.
New Business
The St. Michael Open Tournament will be held Saturday, October 1, 2016. Check-in and launch will be 5-6am at Doiron’s Landing with a 3pm weigh-in the St. Michael Church Festival. Boat fee is set at $200.00 with a 70% payout.
Tommy showed the club two samples of fishing jerseys long and short sleeve types from Mickey St. Pierre. Mickey would customize jerseys with our club logo, angler’s name and sponsors of your choice for $45.00 with a minimum order of 6 jerseys. If anyone is interested in ordering one please see Tommy who is organizing an order at the conclusion of tonight’s meeting.
Jeff opened floor for launch site nominations and area fishing reports.
Nominated by Site Votes/runoff Tommy Spillway Public Landing 5 Goat Adams Landing Either Side 4 July Pairings
July 23rd
Tyler & Jeff R.Colby & ZaneGoat & ToeLedaine
July 30th
Wayne & Mitchell Mike & Peppy Lionel & Jude Coach & Devin Benny & Tommy Ethan & Jody Arthur & Pee Wee
Road Runner Bass Club Minutes June 1, 2016 Meeting (Creole Restaurant) $5.00 Spaghetti & Meat dinner provided by the Creole Restaurant.
Meeting called to order at 7:15. Vice President Sony Zeringue presiding.
Treasurer Report given by Devin Roussel. Club Balance $3750.00
Secretary Report by Jeff Bourgeois May 4th’s minutes read. Tommy B asked if those with outstanding club debts would be allowed to fish the June tournament? Sonny stated everyone would be allowed to participate and that Devin would discreetly call each member to discuss what is owed. Motion to accept minutes by Devin. 2nd by Toe
May Results 3rd place Devin & Goat 8.95lbs 2nd place Peppy & Tyler 9.36lbs 1st place Mike & Coach 17.22lbs
Big Bass Devin 4.07lbs
Old Business NA
New Business
Tommy said another club has reached out to participate in the top 6 Tournament this December. Making the competition a 4-club event.
Sonny introduced Ethan Louque, Jude St. Pierre & Brent Rome to the club. They will fish as guest for two tournaments at $30.00 per tournament. Then the club will vote on their membership. Their pro rated fee will be $87.50.
Coach announced that Lutcher High School is starting a Bass Club. They are seeking Boat Captains, Sponsors and Door Prizes for upcoming events. Please contact Coach if anyone is interested in getting involved.
Sonny opened the floor for June launch site nominations and reports.
Nominated By Launch Votes/Runoff Mitchell Bob’s Bayou Black 4 Benny Spillway Public Landing 0 Tommy Doiron’s Landing Either Side 9
Sonny reminded everyone of the 2pm weigh-in for June, July & August Tournaments.
Pairings Non-boaters for June are: Jon, Tyler, Jude, Devin, Coach & Sonny
June 18 Lionel & Coach Steven & Ethan Jody & Mitchell
June 25 Toe & Devin Chris & Jon Faron & Jude PeeWee & Tyler Ledaine & Sonny Arthur & Brent R. Zane & Tommy Benny & Andrew Goat & Peppy Wade & Brent L. Jeff R. Mike Wayne
Roadrunner Bass Club May 4, 2016 Minutes (Creole Restaurant)
President Arthur called meeting to order at 7:00.
The Creole restaurant provided a red bean dinner for mtg.
Treasurer Report by Devin.
Club balance after Toledo Bend expenses stands at $1,679.00
Secretary Minutes:
Ricky motioned to skip the reading of the March and Toledo Bend Minutes. Seconded by Sonny.
Old Business
April’s Toledo Bend Tournament Results:
4th Place Chris & Zane 47.95lbs 3rd Place Jody & Wade 53.74lbs 2nd Place Doug & Lionel 60.81lbs 1st Place Ricky & Jeff 61.21lbs
1st Day Big Bass Jody 8.32lbs 2nd Day Big Bass & Big Bass Fund #1 Jon 8.89lbs
Notes of interest: Jody weighed an 8lb fish both days. Four 8lb fish were weighed during the tournament. Seven 5lbs fish were weighed for the daily Big Bass contest prior to the tournament. Four 18lbs Plus stringers were brought to the scales for the tournament.
Arthur called for vote on Steven Leblanc’s membership. Steven voted in unanimously
Arthur reminded members to have all outstanding dues and Toledo Bend’s balances paid by the June 1st mtg.
New Business
Arthur open floor for May’s launch site nominations:
Nomination By Site Votes/Runoff Jeff R. Des Allemands Bridge 12Tyler Bobs Bayou Black 4 Toe Kramer Public 2 Benny Segnette 0
May Parings
May 14 May 21 Jon & Sonny Ricky & Zane Brent & Pee Wee Coach & Mike Chris & Lionel Steven & Wade Colby & Ledaine Devin & Goat Jeff R & Toe Doug & Jody Arthur & Mitchell Wayne & Benny Andy & Tommy Peppy
Roadrunner Bass Club April 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order by President Arthur Murry at 7pm under the Bridge Bay Resort pavilion.
Arthur opened floor for nominations for the 2017 Toledo Bend dates:
Nominated by Date Votes Ledaine March 19-25, 2017 5 Jon April 2-8, 2017 13
Devin and Arthur booked 8 cabins with Bridge Bay for 2017’s Trip Apr. 2-8
Arthur opened floor nominations tournament weigh-in for Thursday, Apr. 7:
Nominated By Times VotesLedaine 8pm 21Wayne 7pm 3
Thursday Apr7th leave launch at safe light return to cabins by 8pm.
Arthur opened floor nominations tournament weigh-in for Friday, Apr. 8:
Nominated By Times VotesRicky 6pm 3 Droopy 8pm 19 Jody 7pm 4 Benny 8:30pm 0
Friday Apr. 8th leave launch at safe light return to cabins by 8pm.
Tournament Fee of $25.00 was unanimously accepted. Club Big Bass Fund currently stands at 4.9lbs.
Roadrunner Bass Club March 2, 2016 Minutes (Creole House Restaurant)
Red Beans & Deer Sausage (Served Prepared and Donated by Goat & Peppy)
Meeting called to order at 7:10pm by President Arthur Murry.
Treasurer Report by Devin Roussel
Feb. Results
3rd Place Benny & Lionel 31.83lbs 2nd Place Wayne & Ledaine 33.17lbs 1st Place PeeWee & Toe 35.08lbs
Big Bass PeeWee 4.85lbs Big Bass Fund #1 $200.00 5.1lbs Big Bass Fund#2 $200.00 6.0lbs
Old Business
Zane Leblanc and Tyler Lacombe were unanimously voted into club.
Colby introduced Steven LeBlanc who is seeking club membership. He will begin fishing as a guest this March and in the club’s April Toledo Bend Tournament with Colby.
Tommy gave stats of the MS Tournament.
Toledo Bend April 3-9, 2016Tournament Date 7&8
The club has 7 cabins booked for this Toledo Bend trip. We will occupy cabins 10-17.
Club will provide a Jambalaya dinner Tuesday night. Cooked by Arthur Murry.
Weigh-in will close at 7pm for the daily big bass contest.
Toledo bend meeting will begin at 7pm Wednesday April 6th on the agenda:
New Business
Nominations For March Tournament
Launch Site Nominated By Votes/Runoff Blind River Benny 2 Adams Jeff R 12 Gaudets Jamie 2 Bayou Black Tommy 4
March Parings
March 12 March 19 Steven & Droopy Jon & Lionel Jody & Andrew Devin & Jamie Coach & Faron Tyler & Mike Zane & Benny Wayne & Pee Wee Sonny & Goat Toe & Tommy Ricky & Arthur Andy & Ledaine Doug & Jeff R Peppy & Wade
Roadrunner Bass Club February 3, 2016 Minutes
Peppy and Tommy prepared a red bean & deer sausage dinner for meeting.
Meeting called to order at 7:40pm by President Arthur Murry.
Treasurer Report
Secretary Report
Jan. Results
Old Business
New Business
Launch Site Nominations
Nominated By Site Votes/Runoff
Wayne Des Allemands Under Bridge 12Jeff R. Attackapas 5Toe Northpass X
February Pairings
Feb. 13&14 Feb. 20&21Benny & Lionel Jeff R. & ArthurToe & PeeWee Devin & Sonny Doug & Droopy Jon & Jamie Jody & Ricky Telly & Coach Mitch & Wade Tyler & Andrew Goat & Zane Wayne & Ladaine Tommy Mike & Andy Chris & Faron
Road Runner Bass Club January 6, 2016 Minutes
Goat & Toe cooked carrot stew for meeting.
Meeting called to order @ 7pm. President Arthur Murry presiding.
Member present: Chris B. (Returning Member) Devin Benny Jamie Jody Wade Jeff R. Andrew Toe Goat Ledaine Douglas Peppy Arthur Pee Wee Tommy Mike Wayne Coach Sonny Andy
Board recommendations for 2016 Club Fees
2016 Tournament Schedule
January 23rd / 30th / accepted Feb. 13&14 / 20th & 21st / accepted March 12th / 19th / accepted April (Toledo Bend) 7&8 May 14th / 21st accepted June 18th / 25th accepted July 23rd / 30th accepted Aug. 13th / 20th accepted Sept. 17th / 24th accepted Oct. 22nd / 29th accepted Nov. 12&13 / 19&20 accepted
Board 2016 rule recommendations:
Old Business
New Business
Arthur announced the return of Chris B. & Mitchell S. to our club and welcomed Zane Leblanc & Tyler Lacombe (wasn’t present) who seek to join club. They must fish 2 tournaments at $30.00 per tournament as guest. Membership election will occur after their second tournament is fished.
Launch Site Nominations:
Nominated By Launch Votes/Runoff Jamie Adams 3 Tommy Attackapas 6 / 7 Benny Des Allemands (Public) 8 / 11Toe Gibbson Bob’s 1
Jan. 23rd
Jon &Telly Chris & Colby
Jan. 24th
Jeff R & Ledaine
Jan. 30th
Tyler & Douglas Zane & Sonny Devin & Mitchell Coach & Peppy Tommy & Lionel Faron & Pee Wee Wade & Jamie Arthur & Benny Jody & Andrew Toe & Ricky Mike & Goat Wayne & Andy Droppy
2016 Officers Arthur Murry President Sonny Zeringue Vice President Devin Roussel Treasurer Jeff Bourgeois Secretary Brent Lear Tournament Coordinator / Weigh Master
January 6, 2016 Board Meeting / Creole Restaurant
June 3, 2015 Minutes Creole’ Café Restaurant Banquet Room
Meeting called to order at 7:15 by President Arthur Murry.
Arthur announced and thanked Tommy Bourgeois for Creole Café Restaurant providing the meat loaf, mashed potato & sweet pea dinner for tonight’s meeting.
Arthur called for a vote on Coach Lacombre’s membership to the club.
Secretary Jeff Bourgeois read the minutes from May’s meeting.
Arthur gave the Treasurer Report in Douglas McClung’s absence.
May Results
3rd Place Toe & Wade 13.35lbs 2nd Place Colby & Goat 13.84lbs 1st Place Arthur & Andy 14.17lbs
Big Bass Arthur 3.97lbs
2015’s 2nd big bass fund currently stands at $200.00/5.8lbs
Old Business
Tommy motioned to have Coach Lacombre sing the Lutcher Bulldog fight song at next month’s meeting.
New Business
Tommy reminded everyone weigh-ins for June, July and August are 2pm and will return to 3pm in September.
June Launch Site Nominations
Reports: Coach Lacombre stated Tri-Parish Fishing Club selected Des Allemands and Grandpoint Fishing Club selected Delacroix for their June tournaments. Tommy said people are reporting 18lbs stringers in the Bayou Black area but they are catching them in ponds. Which is off limits for our club.
Nominations Launch Votes/Runoff Benny Bob’s Bayou Black (Gibbson LA) 2 Tommy Under Bridge Des Allemands 6/7 Toe Attackapas (Lake Verret) 4/5
June 20th June 27th Jody & Ricky Jeff R & Goat Andrew & Brent Faron & Goat Jon & Wayne Mike & Coach Ledaine & Toe Wade & PeeWee Benny & Arthur Peppy & Tommy
May 6, 2015 Creole House Restaurant Banquet Room
Meeting called to order at 7:30 by President Arthur Murry.
In the treasurer absence tonight Arthur Murry and Jody Louque will be collecting membership dues and Toledo Bend balances.
April Results
3rd Place Colby and Toe 16.57lbs 2nd Place Mike and Pee Wee 17.42lbs 1st Place Goat and Andy 17.79lbs
Big Bass Wayne 4.57lbs
New Business
Launch Nominations
Nominated By Launch Site Vote/Runoff
Wayne L. Somme’s Landing (Des Allemands) 7
Jody L. North Pass (Lake Maurepas) 3
Toe V. Bob’s Bayou Black (Gibbson) 3
May Pairings
May 16th
Toe & Wayne Coach Lacombre & Wade
May 17th
Jeff R.
May 23rd
Jon & JodyDevin & Faron Mike & Tommy Pee Wee & Benny Chris & Brent Arthur & Andy
March 4, 2015 Longview Recreation
Meeting called to order at 7:15pm by President Arthur Murry.
Treasurer Douglas McClung reported club balance of $6,614.19
February Results
3rd Place Wade & Droopy 24.05lbs 2nd Place Tommy & Telly 25.86lbs 1st Place Benny & Jon 32.28lbs
Big Bass Wade 4.89lbs
Big Bass Fund #1 is currently valued at $200.00 with weight set at 5.3lbs after February. Big Bass Fund #2 is currently valued at $200.00 with weight set at 6lbs after February.
Arthur reminded everyone that only one fund could be broken monthly.
Old Business
Toledo Bend
Seconded By Benny Arthur called for a vote on Pee Wee’s motion. April 3-9, 2016 was unanimously accepted.
Seconded by Sonny Arthur called for a vote on Pee Wee’s second motion. The alternative April 10-17 was unanimously accepted.
On the agenda: Toledo Bend’s tournament fee and start & weigh-in times for Thursday and Friday.
Colby Thompson
Colby’s membership was unanimously accepted.
New Business
March 25, 2015 Cabin #13 / Toledo Bend
Arthur called meeting to order at 7pm.
On the agenda: tournament fee / start and weigh-in times for Thursday & Friday’s tournament
Sonny made a motion that the club set this year’s tournament fee at $25.00 per man. Seconded by Ricky Unanimously accepted
Nominations for start and weigh-in times for Thursday, March 26th:
Nominated by Time Votes Droopy safelight to 7:30pm 3 Sonny safelight to 7:00pm 12 Mike safelight to 6:30pm 1
Nominations for start and weigh-in times for Friday, March 27th:
Nominated by Time Votes Jon safelight to 6:00pm 9 Ledaine safelight to 6:30pm 6 Andrew safelight to 7:30pm 1
Thursday safelight to 7pm / Friday safelight to 6pm
Arthur confirmed that the club has made reservations with Bridge Bay for April 3-9, 2016.
Arthur wished everyone good luck and reminded everyone not to begin fishing until safelight and that all teams must be back at the campground for 7pm Thursday and 6pm Friday.
Roadrunner Bass Club February 4, 2015 Meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:09 presided by President Arthur Murry
Arthur thanked Toe for donating and cooking a pastalaya for for tonight’s meal.
Arthur waived the reading of January’s meeting.
Treasure Douglas reported that most club members are current with dues and Toledo Bend deposits payments. Stated club will need $7500.00 to cover cabin rentals for Toledo Bend.
2015 payouts will remain as follows: Single Day Tournaments: $100.00 1st place, $74.00 2nd place & $56.00 3rd place Two Day Tournaments: $200.00 1st place, $148.00 2nd place & 112.00 3rd place Big Bass:$30.00
January Results
3rd Place Telly & Pee Wee 21.12lbs 2nd Place Mike & Andy 21.26lbs 1st Place Tommy & Sonny 22.17lbs
Big Bass Toe 3.52lbs
Old Business
2015 Tournament Dates:
Feb. 21 & 22 or Feb. 28 & March 1 Arthur called for a vote on proposed dates. Accepted by 12 yes 5 no votes. Apr. 11& 18 Arthur called for a vote on proposed dates. Accepted by 12 yes 5 no votes. May 16 & 23 Accepted June 20 & 27 Accepted July 18 & 25 Accepted Aug 22 & 29 Accepted Sept. 12 & 19 Accepted Oct. 17& 24 Accepted Nov. 21 & 22 Nov. 28 & 29 Accepted
Arthur welcomed back Wade Bourgeois and Nuck Brignac to club in 2015. He also welcomed Colby Thompson to tonight’s meeting who is seeking to become a member of the club. His membership will be voted on after he has fished two tournaments as a guest.
New Business
Nominations of Launch Sites:
Nominated by Site Votes/Runoff
Telly Spillway Public 4 Tommy Bob’s Bayou Black 8/10Benny Gaudet’s Lake Verret 1 Douglas Des Allemands Bridge 6/8
February Pairings:
Feb. 21& 22
Colby & Ledaine Jeff Roussel
Feb. 28& March 1
Faron & Lionel Benny & Jon Mike & Arthur Ricky & Toe Telly & Jamie Jody & Devin Droopy & Wade Tommy & Goat Sonny & Nuck Pee Wee & Brent Andrew & Peppy Wayne & Andy
January 2015 |
2015 Officers Arthur Murry PresidentSonny Zeringue Vice President Douglas McClung Treasurer Jeff Bourgeois Secretary Brent Lear Tournament Coordinator Board Members
January 7, 2015Meeting / Longview Recreation
Meeting called to order by President Arthur Murry at 7:05 pm.
2015 Rules
2014 rules read by Arthur. Discussion, approval by those in attendance after each rule is read. All 2014 rules were accepted with the exceptions of the following:
2015 Board members propose and amendment of 1c for 2015. Jon Deroche motions to insert rule 1c as recommended by the board stating:
Benny Cashio motions to remove rule 2d stating:
Tommy makes motion to for 2d to be edited to state:
2015 Board members propose and amendment of 3b for 2015. Jon Deroche motions to insert rule 3b as recommended by the board stating:
New Business
Arthur Murry is asking our membership to voluntarily comply with the following recommendations for 2015 that are not in the official rules:
Board recommends club dues remain at $135.00 for 2015.
Payout guidelines will be tabled for February’s meeting due to the uncertainty of 2015’s membership. January 2015’s payouts will follow the 2014 guidelines until that vote.
Board recommends we set January 24 & 31 as its January tournament and table the vote for remaining months of 2015 at the February meeting.
Tommy Bourgeois gave report on the Dec. 27 top six tournament.
Tommy Bourgeois made an announcement of the coming open tournaments in our area.
Goat announced he is planning to bring back the Tuesday evening tournaments at Blind River this year. There will be a $25.00 per boat fee and tournament hours will be 5-8pm.
Arthur announced the return of Wade Bourgeois to the club and welcome two new members Mike Fountain (Friend of Goat) and Colby Thompson (Nephew of Telly Leblanc).
January Tournament Nominations
Launch Site Nominated By Votes/ Runoff Adams Ricky B. 11 Bob’s Bayou Black Benny C. 2 Des Allemands Bridge Jon D. 5
January 24 January 31 Mike F. & Ledaine Wayne & Peppy Colby & Brent Lionel & Toe Goat & Wade January 25 Pee Wee & Telly Jeff R. & Benny Sonny & Tommy Doug & Faron Droopy & Andrew Andy & Mike D. Devin & Jon Jody & Arthur Ricky